
Gaining Ground

Institutions: $249
Community Groups/Public Libraries/High Schools: $99
Rental: $60
Also available for streaming

Gaining Ground purchase


Holding Ground

Institutions: $199
Community Groups/Public Libraries/High Schools: $99
Rental: $50
Also available for streaming

Holding Ground purchase

20% discount for the purchase of both films, use discount code HGGG13 at checkout.


Speaking Engagements

If you are interested in inviting a speaker to accompany a screening of Holding Ground or Gaining Ground, you can write to the filmmakers at info@gainingroundproductions.com. You can also contact Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative staff at urbanvillage@dsni.org.

If you are interested in visiting the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative through their speaker’s bureau program (includes a tour and discussion with staff and residents) email staff at urbanvillage@dsni.org with “speakers bureau request” in the subject line.